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DIY: 2018 – Joanne Matthews: Wild Philosophy: Raving, Running, Reading


theory and philosophy for women channeling punk, rave energies and radical sensitivity

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DIY: 2018 – Katie Etheridge & Simon Persighetti: DIY Twin Town


Connect, exchange, celebrate and create a Live Art Twinning Ceremony!

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DIY: 2018 – Sorryyoufeeluncomfortable: Black Drift Walking


Black study, being in space and black bodies navigating space

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DIY: 2018 – Marikiscrycrycry: SH4ME/[N0 SH4ME]


Giving form and function to the dance party

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DIY: 2018 – Hamish MacPherson: We Robot


We will transform ourselves into an interconnected cyborg entity

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DIY: 2018 – Brian Lobel, FK Alexander & Season Butler: FUCK PERFORMANCE ART, GIMME MY BOXSET


Exploring television, Live Art, and the relationship between binge watching and durational/endurance performance

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DIY: 2018 – Ania Bas with Sally O’Reilly & Kit Caless: A New Career In A New Town


Explore the performative potential of co-produced text in the context of a new town

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