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Opportunities > Tag: internal:image

DIY: 2016 – Angela Bartram ‘Be Your Dog’


Lots of dogs, lots of humans: experiencing what it is to be the other through collaboration

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Arthole Artist’s Award announced

LADA is delighted to announce that the recipient of the first ever Arthole Artist’s Award is Marcia Farquhar

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Rocio Boliver Workshop

The acclaimed Mexican performance artist Rocio Boliver. Between Menopause and Old Age, Alternative Beauty.

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Free discussions on moral panics, censorship and the cultural value of porn at the LADA Study Room, London

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Call for Proposals: The Arthole Artist’s Award

LADA’s new Arthole Artist’s Award will support a groundbreaking and inspirational UK-based artist working in Live Art to undertake a self determined year-long research and artistic development programme.

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Call for submissions: dis/placed

Invitation to submit work for a one week multi-media exhibition

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