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Call for Proposals: Privilege and the Displaced, Artist Residency

Open call for proposals from artists to undertake a two-week research-based residency in LADA’s Study Room exploring Live Art practices and methodologies in relation to the experiences of the displaced.

The residency 

The residency is a partnership with Counterpoints Arts and is an opportunity for artists who are, or who are interested in, engaging with experiences of people who are ‘staying temporarily’, sometimes for generations, in stateless limbos, detention centres, refugee camps or urban settlements – living within a country’s borders yet outside its political, legal and civic life.

The residency will consider the ways that Live Art has both responded to, or could respond to, such experiences. It will look at the ways that Live Art has offered a context where the dispossessed, disenfranchised and disembodied can become visible and vocal; a space to represent, and embody, lived experiences of displacement; and a strategy to give agency to the disempowered and silenced.

Residency dates

The two-week residency can take place anytime between September and December 2016 (with a concluding public event in March 2017).


The residency is aimed at an artist who is from, or based in the UK, Ireland, Spain, Finland, Hungary and Germany. 

The residency is aimed at an artist with lived experience of displacement or with direct experience of working with the displaced.

The artist must work within the area of Live Art and have at least five years experience of making and presenting work.

We particularly welcome proposals from artists from culturally diverse backgrounds and artists working in/with ‘underrepresented’ territories. 

Deadline for applications: 14 July 2016

The offer

The artist will receive a residency budget of £6,000. 

LADA will provide additional resources for the acquisition of Study Room materials, the production of the toolkits and Study Room Guides, and the production costs for the final event in March 2017, including travel and accommodation for the residency artists.

More info

View the full brief and details on how to apply here

The deadline for applications is 14 July 2016

This Residency is part of LADA’s Restock Reflect Rethink Four project on Live Art and Privilege.


Banner image credit:

Photograph: ‘Nowhere is Home’ by Manaf Halbouni, 2015

We are looking for a better quality image for this page or to replace it if it's missing.


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