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Opportunities > DIY

DIY: 2016 – Karen Christopher ‘Dream Audience’


a mutual response group for giving and getting feedback

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DIY: 2016 – Stephen Hodge ‘T(r)ipping points: the architect-walker and the destabilised city’


exploring notions of ‘tripping’ and ‘tipping points’ through the lens of the ‘architect-walker’

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DIY: 2016 – Hunt & Darton ‘You’re Not Local’


Becoming local – contextualising work for a place or context in which you don’t necessarily belong

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DIY: 2016 – Season Butler ‘Stet* – Performative Writing and Doing History’


a performative writing retreat on commemoration and constructive forgetting

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DIY: 2016 – Curious (Leslie Hill & Helen Paris) ‘PRIVATE KEEP OUT!’


A weekend by the sea side exploring the very British obsession with privacy

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DIY: 2016 – Stacy Makishi ‘Kick My Butt’lins!’


Hello Campers! Do you need a break? Do you need a boot up the ass?

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