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Opportunities > DIY

DIY 2020 – Ben Walters: DIY Hope Machines with Doctor Duckie


Artistic practice as queer civics: a series of online encounters about making better worlds through lived experience, material support, fun, and mutation.

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DIY 2020 – Lydia Heath: Public realm as playground: towards a toolkit for earthly survival


This DIY project uses performance informed by science fiction, magic, ritual and idiocy to explore how our relationship to the public realm has changed and will continue to change because of COVID-19.

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DIY 2020: Ashleigh Bowmott and Laura Sweeney – Doing, Undoing…and Doing Again


A 3-day remote retreat for six producers, curators and arts administrators who have had to undo their present and future work due to COVID-19. This DIY is run in partnership with ArtHouse Jersey

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DIY: 2019 – Tim Jeeves & Lena Simic: The Party Calls You


Between climate breakdown, austerity and Brexit, the UK is facing its greatest political crisis in decades. What place is there for artists within the UK’s political institutions?

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DIY: 2019 – Stacy Makishi: Proud Mary!


What’dya get when you cross: Tina Turner, Mary Wollstonecraft and The Virgin Mary? A Proud Mary! The triple-decker-mother of workshops!

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DIY: 2019 – Quiplash: Unsightly Drag


Bringing visually impaired queers and drag performers together to share skills and fuck shit up.

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DIY: 2019 – Phoebe Patey-Ferguson & FK Alexander & Andre Neely: THE CULT


Are you feeling fed up and pissed off? Are you confused and overwhelmed? Are you isolated and unfulfilled? Are you ready to welcome ART into your life? THE CULT WELCOMES YOU.

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DIY: 2019 – Liat Rosenthal & Alex Eisenberg: Shiduchs, Shabbes and Shmucks


Exploring artist responses to Jewishness and antisemitism by spending Shabbat (the Jewish day of rest) together.

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DIY: 2019 – Oozing Gloop: COMMUCRACY NOW


Creating a revolutionary vanguard that will develop and present a new economy of government; COMMUCRACY.

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