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performingborders | LIVE 2019 –  Open call for proposals

Deadline Thursday 28 February, 12 noon (UK time)

performingborders | LIVE 2019 is a programme of events and new commissions curated by Alessandra Cianetti and Xavier de Sousa, focusing on the exploration of artistic practices happening within the UK Live Art sector around notions of cultural, juridical, racial, gendered, class, physical and everyday borders.

In partnership with LADA, they are inviting international proposals for digital conversations by Live Art curators, artists, art professionals, researchers, and thinkers that are interested in adding new perspectives on the relations between notions and lived experiences of borders within Live Art practices and are also willing to explore the potentialities of digital conversations as a way to re-imagine and share knowledge-production within the Live Art sector.

The format of the digital conversations can take any form, including video, video text, text, digital collage, audio, interactive digital pieces, etc. The curators will work with the selected applicants to assist the creation of the final piece.

The two selected proposals will be developed by the applicants in full digital conversations and published on both the performingborders platform and LADA’s website as contributions to the ongoing discussions around borders and Live Art and as free-to-access resources for artists, art professionals, academics, students, and general public interested in researching the topic.

performingborders is a research-platform disseminated as a multi-media interview-based research-blog which interrogates the practices of international performers that are responding to the challenging notion of contemporary borders. From February 2016, each month the platform publishes an interview with a live artist, academic, thinker or art professional, as a way to explore the debate on what the contemporary meaning of ‘border’ in Live Art is, how live artists are addressing this issue within Europe and internationally, and how the curatorial tool of the interview can be challenged.

The two selected applicants will receive an honorarium of £150 for the preparation and delivery of the digital conversation due by 30 May 2019. (Collective proposals are accepted although the honorarium will remain £150)


Everyone whose practice and research has been shaped by experiences of migration and borders is eligible and welcome to apply.


To apply, please send the following information in one document (word or pdf) OR one link by Thursday 28 February, 12 noon (UK time) to [email protected]:

  • Your proposal (max 300 words) for a digital conversation highlighting from which angle you will address the relations between Live Art and borders, structure of the conversation, live artist/s involved, media included (media accepted: text, image, video, sound and/or any combination of them)
  • Your bio (max 150 words), website, email and telephone contact
  • 2 x samples of your writing and/or digitally published contributions (web links are accepted)


The applications will be assessed by the curators Alessandra Cianetti and Xavier de Sousa with LADA’s Director Lois Keidan.

Successful applicants will be notified by Monday 11 March 2019.

For information and if you need any support with the application process please contact [email protected]

performingborders | LIVE is presented by performingborders and Foreign Actions Productions in collaboration with Live Art Development Agency (London, UK), Contact Theatre (Manchester, UK), Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts (Brighton, UK), Artsadmin (London, UK), Deptford Lounge (London, UK) and Beyond the Wall/Más Allá del Mur Festival (Nogales, US/Mexico). Supported by the Arts Council England.

More information

Banner image credit:

Credit: Kevin Biderman, Revolting Eyes, 2018, still from video. (Kevin Biderman for performingborders)


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