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Projects > 2015

Playing With Space

An evening of performance films curated by Lawrence Bradby

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“Take the money and run?” – Documentation

Video documentation and a written response by Mary Paterson to an event about ethics, funding and art

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Awkward Bastards: Rethinking Ideas Around Diversity

Awkward Bastards will challenge and explore the concept of diversity

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Editing Ourselves into History: A Live Art and Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

An article related to LADA’s ‘Live Art and Feminism Edit-a-thon’

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Study Room Gathering on the Live Female Body in Current Feminist Performance Practice, UK & US

Poppy Jackson will discuss recent research into the feminist performance scene

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2015 LAUK Associates Gathering: Weathering The Storm

The Gathering considered the idea of the Storm as a metaphor for change.

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Take the money and run? – an event about ethics, funding and art

Take the money and run? is a day of presentations, provocations and discussions

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