Live Art in Rural UK
Live Art in Rural UK is a year long programme conceived by LADA’s former Director, Vivian Chinasa Ezugha. It focuses on amplifying the embodied practices of artists living and working in rural locations across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
We are delighted to present the work of artists Miranda Whall and Poppy Jackson as part of Live Art in Rural UK.
Miranda Whall: When Earth Speaks
Miranda Whall will be developing her ongoing and evolving drawing performance When Earth Speaks and the related project Soil Voices.
Miranda works with raw data emitted from an agri-sensor network installed in the Cambrian Mountains in West Wales. She aims to represent soil science, in this case soil sensor data in a way that goes beyond traditional statistics, so it might have a wider meaning and greater impact.
In June 2024, Miranda will present the collaborative performance When Earth Speaks: A Dirty Ensemble, a resolution of the project When Earth Speaks, in the Theatr Y Werin, Arts Centre Aberystwyth, West Wales.
More about the 'When Earth Speaks' project
Miranda Whall: Soil Voices
As part of LARUK, on 12 August 2023 Miranda presented the online 24-hour performance Soil Voices during which she immersed her body into the landscape in order to embody and give voice to the soil.
More about 'Soil Voices'
Poppy Jackson: Pathways Home
Poppy lives and works from an isolated Suffolk flint cottage with her two young children, Elora and Wanda, surrounded by acres of meadows and woods that are mentioned in the Domesday Book.
Through Live Art in Rural UK, Poppy will be developing a year-long series of performances and actions in the surrounding landscape and further afield into Norfolk and Suffolk.
More about 'Pathways Home'
Other projects in Live Art in Rural UK
Live Art in Rural UK is a year long programme conceived by LADA’s former Director, Vivian Chinasa Ezugha. It focuses on amplifying the embodied practices of artists living and working in rural locations across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Miranda Whall: When Earth Speaks
When Earth Speaks and other iterations, is an evolving and ongoing series of durational and relational drawing performances in which Miranda Whall will be translating raw data from various sources.
Read morePoppy Jackson: Pathways Home
Live Art in Rural UK is a yearlong programme conceived by LADA’s former Director, Vivian Chinasa Ezugha. It focuses on amplifying the embodied practices of artists living and working in rural locations across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
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Miranda Whall
Soil Voices
Artist and Aberystwyth University lecturer Miranda Whall will be live streaming a 24-hour performance from a pre-prepared self-dug 2ft ditch to vocalise a live and continuous numerical data stream emitted from a newly installed sensor network.
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