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On Live Art and the Displaced

Following an open call for proposals we invited the artist and researcher Elena Marchevska to undertake a residency exploring Live Art practices and methodologies in relation to the experiences of the displaced. This residency is a collaboration with Counterpoints Arts and built on our 2015 partnership on the dis/placed programme of events which was organised in response to global demographic shifts and unprecedented levels of human displacement. During her residency, Elena produced The Displaced & Privilege (Live Art in the age of hostility), a Study Room Guide looking at key issues and works in relation to displacement and working with the displaced and Toolkit for Itinerant Artists, a toolkit of methodologies for working with the displaced.

Elena’s resources can be downloaded using the links below, or hardcopies can be requested through Unbound.


About Restock, Rethink, Reflect Four

Restock, Rethink, Reflect (RRR) is an ongoing series mapping and marking underrepresented artists, practices and histories, whilst also supporting future generations.  Following RRR projects on Race (2006-08), Disability (2009-12), and Feminism (2013 -15) RRR4 (2016-18) is on Live Art and Cultural Privilege.

​The first 18 months of RRR4 involved four artist-led research residencies in LADA’s Study Room looking at the ways in which Live Art has developed new forms of access, knowledge, agency, and inclusion in relation to the disempowered constituencies of the young, the old, the displaced, and the working class and others excluded through social and economic barriers.

Each residency generated a new Study Room Guide and a Toolkit of methodologies, launched in October 2017.

The RRR4 residencies, Study Room Guides and Toolkits are supported by, and form part of LADA’s contribution to, the Collaborative Arts Partnership Programme(CAPP), a transnational programme funded by the European Union focusing on collaborative practices with the aim of engaging new participants and enhancing mobility and exchange for artists.

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The Displaced & Privilege (Live Art in the age of hostility)

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