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In 2014, artist Gustaf Broms composed a list of nine questions that he started to circulate to fellow performance artists—many he had a personal connection with and many more he had never even met. The questions covered a range of paired concepts—the bricks and mortar of performance practice (material/object, audience/receiver, sound/silence, time/rhythm, space/emptiness)—and grounded by questions about personal experience, lineage and language.

The responses collected are as diverse and wide-ranging as the artists and their own approaches, from the practical, to the abstract to the simply far-flung, in addition to some reassuring and surprising overlapping ideas and connections.

The roster of participants in the 9Questions collection is an impressive array of international performance artists whose work covers a range of performance and performative multi-disciplinary approaches.

Adina Bar-On, Alastair MacLennan, Andrea Saemann, Antoni Karwowski, Arahmaiani, Artur Tajber, Barbara T. Smith, Bartolomé Ferrando, Boris Nieslony, Brian Connolly, Dorothea Rust, Elvira Santamaria-Torres, Esther Ferrer, Fausto Grossi, Guadalupe Neves, Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Gustaf Broms, He Yunchang, hermann nitsch, Irma Optimist, Jamie McMurry, Jill Orr, Johanna Householder, John Duncan, Kurt Johannessen, Leif Elggren, Linda Mary Montano, Macarena Perich Rosas, Margaret Dragu, Mariel Carranza, Marilyn Arsem, Martha Wilson, Monika Günther & Ruedi Schill, Myriam Laplante, Nigel Rolfe, Nobuo Kubota, Paul Couillard, Pekka Kainulainen, Rocio Boliver, Roi Vaara, Ron Athey, Serge Olivier Fokoua, Shannon Cochrane, Stelarc, Tanya Mars, Tehching Hsieh, Tomas Ruller, Ulay, Valentín Torrens, Zbigniew Warpechowski, Zhu Ming

FADO Performance Art Centre and Centre for Orgchaosmik Studies, 2018. Paperback, 84 pages, black and white images throughout.

ISBN 978-0-9730883-4-2

