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DIY (Do. It. Yourself)



This book is written by over 30 arts practitioners and collectives. It’s aim is to articulate and contextualise an ethos and practice within contemporary art called “DIY” theatre and performance.

It is a text that provokes, prescribes, instructs, argues, plays, advises, promotes and describes. Its emphasis is on how theatre makers can encourage and evolve performance making by sharing their theories and practices, to help empower more artists to engage with this way of working. Critically (or theoretically) this book addresses a wide range of perspectives on “DIY” theatre and performance and identifies key axioms and dichotomies between ethos and style.

Little efforts like this to catalyse and advocate an alternative community and new ways of making theatre and performance are always a good thing. And this book is an effort at that.

Contributors include: Accidental Collective, Action Hero, Arnolfini, Pat Ashe, Bootworks, Ira Brand, Karen Christopher, Abigail Conway, Cool Hunting, Richard Dedomenici, Dirty Market, Ella Good and Nicki Kent, fictional dogshelf, Andy Field, Forest Fringe, Gob Squad, Mamoru Iriguchi, Live Art Development Agency, Brian Lobel, Low Profile, Made in China, Milk Presents, Hannah Nicklin, Deborah Pearson, Michael Pinchbeck, Residence, Search Party, Shatter Resistant, Sleepdogs, Sleeping Trees, Sleepwalk Collective, Stans Cafe, Stoke Newington International Airport, Suitcase Royale, Theatre Bristol, Third Angel, Chris Thorpe and GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN.

University of Chichester, 2014. Paperback, colour images throughout, 151 pages, 21 x 19cm.
ISBN: 978-1907852244

