The pages of Emergency INDEX are open to all who work with performance. In each annual volume, contributors document works made in the previous year. By including performances regardless of their country of origin, genre, aims, or popularity, INDEX reveals the breathtaking variety of practices used in performance work today. Each volume features a comprehensive index of key terms used by contributors in describing and discussing their own work. Begun in 2011, INDEX is a lens for seeing the field of contemporary performance from the ground up.
Edited by Yelena Gluzman, Sophia Cleary, Katie Gaydos
Contributing editors include Luke Arnason, Adelaide Bannerman, Linda Frye Burnham, Oron Catts, Corina Copp, Steven Durland, Louise Hickman, Branislav Jakovljevic, Jennifer Krasinski, Kristen Kosmas, Olga Kudrina, Claudia La Rocco, Anya Liftig, Katie Grace McGowan, Caden Manson, Sawako Nakayasu, Esther Neff, Rob Ray, Ben Spatz, Sara Wintz.
Partner organisations for this edition include Bodega Philadelphia, Grace Exhibition Space, Issue Project Room, Live Art Development Agency (UK), Movement Research, NY Public Library for the Performing Arts, NYU Dept. of Performance Studies, Presentaatiory (Finland), PS122 and Spread Art.
Published by Ugly Duck Presse
ISBN 9781937027759