Programme Notes is a collection of commissioned essays, case studies and interviews reflecting the exciting and complex relationships between ‘mainstream’ stages and ‘experimental’ theatre practices.
The first edition of Programme Notes, published in 2007, featured contributions by Lyn Gardner, Tim Etchells, Neil Bartlett, Stella Hall, John E McGrath, Alan Rivett, Mark Borkowski, Rose Fenton, Brian Logan, Lucy Neal, Keith Khan, Simon Casson, Louise Jeffreys, Judith Knight and Toni Racklin.
This revised and expanded edition includes the original contributions whilst illustrating some of the seismic shifts that have taken place across the theatre landscape of the UK since 2007 through profiles of the work of Manchester International Festival, National Theatre of Scotland, BAC (Battersea Arts Centre) and Forest Fringe.
Programme Notes features new contributions by Marina Abramovic, Alex Poots, Amanda Coogan, Vicky Featherstone, Mary Brennan, David Micklem, David Jubb, Andy Field and Deborah Pearson, and an essay by Matt Fenton (Contact Theatre).
“This small, cutely presented volume may turn out to be the most significant British Theatre book published this year.”
Plays International, 2007
Oberon Books & Live Art Development Agency, 2013. 192 pages, Paperback, colour images throughout.19 x 14 cm
ISBN 978-1-84943-459-1
Trade orders: Oberon Books. Find the details on Unbound Trade Orders and Distribution Information page.