Artist and weirdo Scottee is celebrating 10 years of making a mess, causing a fuss and getting ideas above his station with two new publications in collaboration with LADA – The Outsiders’ Handbook, a free survival guide for queer and trans* young people, and Scottee: I Made It, a swanky archive book documenting a decade of making it.
“a fascinating, wonderful, open hearted and thought provoking book.”
Marcus Davey, Chief Executive and Artistic Director of the Roundhouse
Scottee is an artist, performer, event maker, activist, host, broadcaster, self-proclaimed weirdo, troublemaker, and firestarter, and more. Many things to many people, he works across a lot of different social agendas – especially queer, fat and working class activisms – and makes lots of different things with all kinds of people, from doing pop-up performance in queer clubs, to staging shows in proper theatres, to gathering folk to talk, to drink tea, and make stuff in community centres.
Scottee: I Made It celebrates Scottee as a maker, and marks both the achievement and the influence of his work, but the fact he not only survived the violence and traumas so much of his work depicts, but thrived.
Scottee: I Made It gathers commentary and interviews from a huge range of people Scottee has worked with and knows and who have influenced him and been influenced by him. Contributors include Bryony Kimmings, Travis Alabanza, Kelly Green, Patrick Fox, Charlotte Cooper, Selina Thompson, Ashleigh Owen, Munroe Bergdorf, Michael Segalov, Lois Weaver, Ben Walters, and Sarah Gallagher, aka Scottee’s mum.
Scottee: I Made It is part of Scottee 10 celebrations which also include From Your Retrospective, in which show-offs, punters and die-hard fans will re-enact Scottee’s work from memory at the Roundhouse, London on 7th and 8th September 2018.
Live Art Development Agency, 2018. 200 pages, colour images included throughout.
ISBN: 978-0-9935611-8-4
Trade orders: Find the details on Unbound Trade Orders and Distribution Information page.