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Jordan McKenzie’s Spent is an ongoing series of auto-drawings exploring libidinal economies and sexual desire. Started in 2009, these works (which will continue for the rest of McKenzie’s life) are made by the artist orgasming onto Universal Litmus paper, the results being meticulously recorded not only visually but also in terms of the date and time that they were ‘composed’. The resulting ‘diary of desire’ mimics the documentary/conceptual systems of display prevalent amongst 1970s conceptual artists such as On Kawara and Mary Kelly.

This limited edition publication, individually signed by Jordan McKenzie, contains twenty one drawings, text from the artist and a critical essay by Dr Marquard Smith (Director, Institute for Modern and Contemporary Culture, University of Westminster).

A full preview of Spent, with the opportunity to buy unsigned copies:

Live Art Development Agency, 2012, 40 pages, 24.7cm x 19.6cm.

