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STILL LIFE Issue 4: Ways to Disappear


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STILL LIFE is a zine featuring interviews, texts and images from performance, kink, healthcare and other domains. It’s a zine about relationships and configurations in which one person is still while others are not. Or where one person is passive and others are active. It’s about how we put ourselves in other people’s hands. Or how we are put in other people’s hands. It’s about care and power and vulnerability and agency. And other things not so clearly named.

Issue 4 featuring: Do It Yourself, an interview with Emma-cecilia Ajanki about passivity, patriarchy and punk; 10 ways to disappear with Channing Tatum, Figs In Wigs, Hamish Macpherson, Igor & Moreno, Rowland Hill, Rukeya, Samir Kennedy, Theo Clinkard & Leah Marojevic, Trajal Harell, Ultimate Dancer & Robbie Thomson; The Vanishing Lady by Augusto Corrieri; A Thing Unseen, an interview with Rowland Hill about her performance, The Show; Istanbul 2013 by Hamish Macpherson; Post-Dollification, an interview with Marica Innocente about dolls, robots and gender roles; Where Did You Go? an interview with Maartje Nevejan about the inner worlds of absence seizures
76 Pages, 14.5 x 21 cm, Paperback, Edition of 90

