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THE GLUTS: Complete Works



“Responding to a global crisis by forming a girl band – what an excellent idea!”

The Gluts (Gina Birch, Kaffe Matthews and Hayley Newman) are an environmentally crusading girl band. Formed in 2009 to write Caf̩é Carbon, a group of songs about food, capitalism and climate, they took their eco-electro/absurdo-feminist musical to the streets and bars of Copenhagen during the COP 15 Climate Summit, joining other concerned citizens to urge governments around the world to take action on climate change. This DVD shares the story of that trip and much more besides.

Glutish remixes by: Jem Finer, Simon Fisher Turner, Bruce Gilbert and Mutamassik.

Live Art Development Agency, 2013, DVD-PAL, 90 minutes and 34 seconds.

ISBN 978-0-9573938-3-7

Trade orders: Central Books. Find the details on Unbound Trade Orders and Distribution Information page.

