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The Live Art Development Agency’s Patrons:

  • Marina Abramović
  • Ron Athey
  • Neil Bartlett
  • Anne Bean
  • Sonia Boyce
  • Tim Etchells
  • Guillermo Gómez-Peña
  • Tehching Hsieh
  • Isaac Julien
  • La Ribot
  • Lois Weaver

The Live Art Development Agency originally established its Patrons list in 2010. This is an invited group of inspirational artists who maintain an active relationship with LADA, lend their expertise and advice, and champion LADA’s work.


  • Act as ambassadors on behalf of LADA, helping the organisation build credibility and name recognition; and
  • Serve as a general networking resource for staff and Board members; providing access to those with whom the Patron has relationships; connecting LADA to individuals who may be interested in, and of service to, the organisation.

Patrons’ Picks – LADA’s Patrons recommend book and DVD titles available from Unbound.

“Keep on going in a proper way - not with fireworks, not with an easy applause. But with your real feeling - whatever it is.” Maria Callas said this many years ago in a masterclass and sometimes some words can encourage and support you over the years. This is also what LADA does: to support and to encourage artists to go their way. Thank you for this! 
Raimund Hoghe, former LADA Patron
The brilliant artist and LADA Patron Raimund Hoghe sadly died in May 2021. You can read a tribute to Raimund by Mary Kate Connolly here.

