Support Us
How can you support diverse, innovative, risk-taking Live Art?
Why donate?
Donations help make influential artists’ development initiatives like DIY possible, support new publications and projects by extraordinary artists, and help us buy essential books and DVDs for our Study Room.
LADA welcomes donations of all sizes – we can make a little go a long way, and make a lot go even further. £20 can buy a book for LADA’s Study Room, £200 can pay for a LADA Screens, and £2000 would fund a new artist-led DIY workshop programme. Your support can set great art and ideas in motion.

I have donated money to LADA for the Catalyst Evolve program, so it can be doubled. I would not be where I am today with my career and practice without LADA.
Make a regular donation
Making a monthly donation means LADA can plan further in advance because it knows what is available. Over a year, a monthly donation of £20 could pay for a public event at our home in the Garrett Centre.
“LADA reaches out deep and wide to both artists and audiences, getting to places that other arts organisations can only dream of. They are exactly the sort of creative, responsive and responsible organisation that we need to keep the arts in this country moving forwards in difficult times – and that’s why I’m offering them my support.”
Neil Bartlett, artist

Go see your solicitor and make LADA the benefactor of your will.
Leave a gift in your will
Leaving a gift in your will is a way of making a lasting difference after you are gone.
Five years ago, the artist David Hoyle encouraged everyone to ‘go see your solicitor and make LADA the benefactor of your will.’ This has now happened. Charlotte, Simon and Kay, three middle-aged queers based in East London, don’t want to die anytime soon but when they are gone they hope to leave a flat, a house and whatever savings and sundries they have to LADA. Find out more about their story.

We love the weirdness of Live Art and respect how LADA works to foster it ... It's a life force! A reason for living!
Other ways to support LADA
Buy books – Support LADA by buying books and DVDs through Unbound, our online bookshop. Unbound is run on a not-for-profit basis, and proceeds from book and DVD sales are put back into LADA’s publication and research projects and thus actively support and extend the work of artists and writers.
Text to donate – You can text to donate through Donr: Text GIFTOFLIVEART 5 to 70085 to give £5 to LADA
Send a cheque – We accept cheques, made out to ‘Live Art Development Agency’. Cheques can be mailed to: Live Art Development Agency, c/o Ben Harris, The Garrett Centre, 117a Mansford Street, London, E2 6LX