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News: Tag: Tag: identity

Hester Chillingworth: Thinker in Residence

14 June 2017

Hester talks about the start of their residency on Young People, Gender and Live Art

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Desert Phase, Interview with Steve Reich by Steve Rogers

21 April 2017

Read article from Performance Magazine, Issue 38/39 Dec-Feb 1986

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Religious Studies Review – Pleading in the Blood: the Art and Performances of Ron Athey

17 November 2016

Jeremy Biles has written a review for the Religious Studies Review on Pleading in the Blood

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Lou Coleman: LADA Study Room Gathering Response

14 October 2016

Lou Coleman has written a response to the LADA Study Room Gathering that she hosted on 13 September 2016

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Just Like A Woman: NYC and London Editions – Documentation

20 April 2016

Two programmes of shows, talks, installations, and screenings on the ways femininity can be ‘performed’ and representations of gender can be queered through performance

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Decolonial Actions, a Study Room event – Documentation

15 March 2016

Documentation from the Decolonial Actions event on 13 Feb 2016

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Live Art: the research lab for mass culture

23 October 2015

LADA Director Lois Keidan writes for the Guardian on the impact of Live Art

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Ron Athey in conversation with Andrea Pagnes

2 July 2015

LADA are pleased to make exclusively available a conversation between new LADA Patron Ron Athey and the artist Andrea Pagnes

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Call for submissions: dis/placed

25 February 2015

Call-out for artists working in visual art, Live Art, film, design and architecture to submit work for a one week multi-media exhibition titled dis/placed, running in June at The Ditch, Shoreditch Town Hall, London

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