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News: Tag: Tag: internal:image

2015 LAUK Associates Gathering: Weathering The Storm

19 March 2015

Documentation now available from the third Live Art UK Associates Gathering

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Unruly Utterances: Participation, Criticality and Compass Festival 2014

16 March 2015

Ten practitioners reflect on themes of participation, audience, criticality and writing inspired by their own practice and numerous works in the Compass Festival 2014

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Artsadmin and LADA Sweatshop on Documentation

26 February 2015

New Sweatshop on Documentation in collaboration with the Artsadmin, looking at a range of approaches to documenting performative and participatory work

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Call for submissions: dis/placed

25 February 2015

Call-out for artists working in visual art, Live Art, film, design and architecture to submit work for a one week multi-media exhibition titled dis/placed, running in June at The Ditch, Shoreditch Town Hall, London

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Money Talks, 5 March 2015

16 February 2015

Artists’ discussion event focusing on raising money for arts projects and providing support for artists who are interested in exploring avenues of funding outside of the traditional routes

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Awkward Bastards: Rethinking Ideas Around Diversity

4 February 2015

Symposium produced by DASH asking those awkward questions around diversity, the shifting definitions and its place in the cultural mainstream

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Study Room Gathering on the Live Female Body in Current Feminist Performance Practice, UK & US

6 January 2015

London-based performance artist Poppy Jackson will discuss her recent research into the feminist performance scenes of Chicago and New York during her British Council and Arts Council England Artists’ International Development Fund project Transatlantic Performance Practice.

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Monica Ross: A Symposium

17 November 2014

Celebrate the life and work of one Monica Ross, one of the most significant feminist artists and distinguished educators of her generation

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A Study Room Guide to Remoteness

11 November 2014

In this Guide Tracey Warr considers wider issues of remoteness and art through a range of artists’ practice with “the odd deviation into literature and theory”

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LADA at Venice International Performance Art Week

13 October 2014

LADA is delighted to be a Special Guest at this year’s Performance Art Week in Venice, presenting a screening programme, a talk and an installation of Study Boxes

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