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LADA Screens: Nicola Fornoni – ONLINE SCREENING

Nicola Fornoni
Overshoot Day
26 July – 22 August 2018

Overshoot Day is a video of a performance by Nicola Fornoni made inside a marble quarry which parallels ‘the wounds of nature’ with the artists own skin. The film, shot by drone on an autumn day, features the artist sitting bare-chested and using his facial muscles to hold a glass containing a drop of water in the air. The aridity of the landscape corresponds to the artist’s skin and to a lack of natural resources required to sustain life.

Watch the film

This video was selected as part of the 2018 LADA Screens Open Call.


Nicola Fornoni (1990, Brescia, IT) has been making performance art since 2013. In the last year, he has performed in Italy and abroad, and participated in the 4th International performance art weekend in Berlin curated by Luisa Catucci and Dagmar L.Glaunitzer-Smith at Luisa Catucci Gallery, Berlin (DE). His works were shown and performed at Humain Body, Angst, curated by Francesca Sand at la Capela, Paris (FR), Tactile Bodies, curated by Nicolina Stylianou at the Sensorium Space of Nicosia (CY), the 3th Venice International Performance Art Week curated by VestAndPage in Venice Italy, EJECT V festival international de video performance curated by Pancho Lopez, Laboratorio Arte Alameda, Ciudad de Mexico (MX), PAS Festival de performance art in Bogotá curated by Fernando Pertuz (CO).  He won the Premio Adrenalina in Silver in the performance art/body art category. He has worked with Kyrahm, an international Italian performance artist, in her performance Ecce (H)omo, Guerrieri.

About LADA Screens

LADA Screens is a series of free, online screenings of seminal performance documentation, works to camera, short films/video and archival footage. It is part of Live Online, LADA’s dedicated space where you can watch short videos and films drawn from LADA’s Study Room or generated through our programmes and initiatives.

Each screening will be available to view for a limited time only, and will be launched with a live event at our space in Bethnal Green, London. Online art magazine, thisistomorrow will also feature the films on their website for the duration of the screenings.

LADA Screens is curated by the Live Art Development Agency (LADA). LADA is a ‘Centre for Live Art’: a knowledge centre, a production centre for programmes and publications, a research centre setting artists and ideas in motion, and an online centre for digital experimentation, representation and dissemination.

For more information about LADA Screens please contact Alex Eisenberg.

The LADA Screens Open call 2018 is an annual programme which invites submissions of existing videos or films to show online as part of LADA Screens. Please sign up to our newsletter to be kept updates on future opportunities.

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